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.Monday, April 20, 2009 ' 11:55 AM Y
One year on

It's been a year since I last set foot here. :) I'm sure many of my students/readers have forgotten this land.

While busy working the past one year, my thoughts always consist of my students. I will wonder how they are. :)

Well, if you were my student and are still reading this, please leave a comment so I know. I'm terribly sorry for leaving this site to dust for so long. :P

I wish everyone's good....can't pen down how much I miss you people.


.Sunday, April 20, 2008 ' 11:05 AM Y

Hello lovelies! I apologise for not posting for the past weeks; been extremely busy with work and school.

I'm having my break now, and I have received my results for my first three modules; I'm glad to say I've distinctions for all! :) It had not been easy, but I've put in a lot of hard work and effort, so it eventually paid off.

I've bumped into some of my students sometimes, and I do miss teaching. It's possible to fall in love with two professions, but sad to say, I have chosen something which I long had interest in and I really want to do it well.

Tuition classes are on a hold for now; I understand some students are truly interested but due to timetable clash, I prefer to keep things as it is now. Will let you know when the class re-opens!

How's everyone doing? Please say hi to your classmates. :) Hope all is doing well, and good luck for your upcoming SA1!!! All the best, and take care!


.Saturday, January 12, 2008 ' 7:24 PM Y
Tuition classes

Hello my dearest! How are all of you? :)

I've started on my new job, and I'm still settling down. On the first day when school started, I saw children in their uniforms going to school, or going home from school. I miss teaching, and I miss my students. I so hope I get to see some of my students around. Well, I did. But that's only some.

Hope everyone's settling down and having fun with school!

Though I'll be studying and working at the same time, my friend and I decided to start a group tuition for primary school students.

Tentatively, it'll be starting in March 2008, and it'll be held at Block 825. I really love to be there to teach, but due to my work committments, I cannot promise to be there everytime. Still, I'm making plans to be there as often as I can, so I can be involved in the teaching as well.

When I'm not around, another qualified teacher will be there to assist the children.

This is a very open concept, and we are focusing on revision.

Pricing as follows:

8 sessions ( Every Tuesday, Thursday evenings)

Primary 1: $65 (English, Math)

Primary 2: $70 (English, Math)

Primary 3: $75 (English, Math, Science)

Primary 4: $80 (English, Math, Science)

Primary 5: $85 (English, Math, Science)

Primary 6: $90 (English, Math, Science)

I will like to offer this to my students first - if you really do need help, my friend and I will be able to help you. :)

Do let me know if any of you is interested. If there are enough pupils to start a class, then we'll start as soon.

For secondary 1 levels, I don't have classes planned yet, but if you do need help with your English, and don't mind Saturdays, let me know as well, and I will see what I can do for you. It'll be a group tuition, open concept as well, and pricing will be discussed later.

Hope to hear from all of you SOON! Take care, and I miss all of you.


.Tuesday, January 1, 2008 ' 3:17 AM Y
Happy 2008!

It's a brand new year, and I hope all my students will enjoy the new year ahead and achieve good and better results in studies!

School's going to start, and I believe most of my students are wondering which school I will be teaching in.

I once mentioned I may not be teaching anymore, and this seems to come true.

I've found a full-time temporary job as a Distribution & Marketing Co-ordinator, dealing with movies. It's a very challenging job to me, because I have to juggle this with my studies. I'll be very busy, but I believe it's a good chance for me to shine.

I feel sad to know I can't see any of my students anymore in the near future, but I know I will still see some around nearby. Just wave hi to me, or smile and I'll do the same back to you. Please don't be shy; I'll love to know how you are doing.

Continue to leave tags at my blog, though I seldom post an entry or a reply, I do read your comments, and it brightens my day to read your messages to me.

I'm happy to hear most of my P6s have been promoted to secondary school. Whether the school you're posted to is of your choice or not, I still hope you will strive to do your best (note: not "well").

Doing "well" will be putting pressure on all of you. I prefer all of you do your best, because that's when you know where's your limits, and you will give your all and best in whatever you do.

YOU are one of the stars in my sky, and the more you shine, the brighter my sky/life is.

Let me know how your first day of school goes; just know that Miss Tan misses everyone.

Happy 2008!


.Monday, December 24, 2007 ' 8:44 PM Y
Late post

Sorry my dearests, been extremely busy so I didn't post any entry.

My grandfather just passed away, and I was at the funeral wake for 5 days. It was a very sad experience, and I wish I never had to go through it again.

I'm sorry; my P6s, do let me know which schools you have gotten into?

And here's wishing everyone a Merry Xmas and Happy 2008.


.Wednesday, December 5, 2007 ' 4:25 PM Y
A very big HELLO!

Hi my dearest pupils, it's been so long since I posted an entry here. :)

How have all of you been? I've been seeing some pupils of mine around the area, and it's been nice. Hope all of you been enjoying your holidays so far!

My pupils' been asking me, if I'll be teaching them again, and if I can go to their schools next year.

I'm looking for my DREAM job now, and if I do find one, I won't be teaching again.

I enjoy teaching, and I enjoy the interaction with my pupils. It's a rewarding profession, and I believe if I choose teaching, it'll give me a lot of joy. However, if I do choose teaching, I'll be putting my diploma and degree to waste, and I won't be able to pursue what I truly, truly want to do.

That's why I say, in life, you must know what you want to do - you must have a direction in life. Some of you are still young, and may not know where you are heading to. When you get older, you will realise what you want to do in life, and you will work hard towards fulfilling it.

I'm giving myself a couple of years to work in the media industry. If in the next few years, I still can't carve a career for myself, I will go back to teaching, but I won't be a full -time teacher - instead, I'll be a full-time tutor, giving tuition and my attention to my pupils.

By then, most of you will have grown up. :)

I'm busy with school right now. I hope all of you are having fun, whether in Singapore, or overseas. Festive seasons are coming, and please, while enjoying yourselves, do remember to take care, and remember, Miss Tan misses all of you.



.Thursday, November 15, 2007 ' 10:50 PM Y

Girls from 2 Diligent

A gift from Kenbee and Karyee - thanks very much girls. :)

6 Determined people

My farewell gifts for them...

The farewell party!
It was the last day of school, and I saw laughter and tears.
I don't remember me crying on my last day of school, but I can understand the attachment and feelings that come with the partings.
Each parting comes with a meeting; don't cry for today's parting, be glad for tomorrow's meeting!
I hope 6 Determined pupils appreciate what I've done for them - I forked out the remaining money for their party, and I'm officially super broke. Supposed to go out tonight, but too broke to go anywhere. :D
Despite me being broke, I still believe in giving the best to my students. Their last day is such an important day; must make it special for them. Hope they enjoyed it though!
I'm going Kuala Lumpur this weekend, for a good relaxing time. It's a shopping trip, but I've shopped enough in Hong Kong and Bangkok in June, so enough is enough. I just want to have a good trip walking around and enjoying KL this time round.
Happy holidays to everyone, and all the best to my P6s in getting your results! I won't be going to any school on 22 November, so just email me your results if you can!
Feel free to keep in touch with me at misstanjournal@gmail.com.
Thanks for the happy memories; every day I'm in class, every day I learn something. :)


You are readingY

A collection of memories from Miss Tan's relief teaching experience.
A way for her pupils to keep in touch with her.

About Miss TanY

Miss L.L. Tan
Relief Teacher since May 2007
Pursuing degree in Mass Communication (part time)
Will be teaching at Woodlands Primary from 5 November onwards


Dearest pupils, please try to use proper English when you are typing here. :) Thank you!

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Pupils' musingsY

Jiajun 6Cre
Sheena 6Cre
Jeremy 6Cre

Miss Tan's Class RulesY

1. No lying
2. Immediate attention by the count of 5
3. Always ASK and not TELL when you need to leave the classroom
4. Enter and exit from class's front door, not back door
5. While walking as a class, do not talk. If you talk, you do not walk
6. No rude attitude, because I don't owe you any money